Yes! Congratulations on not needing a grant! Grant Writer for Hire can help with wrap-around capacity building solutions for community-based organizations.
According to the Council of Nonprofits, capacity building is “whatever is needed to bring a nonprofit to the next level of operational, programmatic, financial, or organizational maturity, so it may more effectively and efficiently advance its mission into the future.”

Capacity building solutions for your community-based organization depend upon your specific capacity gaps - the difference between what you need to effectively implement your mission and what you actually have. Grant Writer for Hire can help identify those gaps and tailor a custom capacity building strategy to launch your organization to the next level.
Whether you need a strategic shift, a theory of change, or a budget, we can generate results AND develop systems to improve your organization’s efficiency and efficacy. Grant Writer for Hire offers a range of services to address your organization’s specific needs.
Yes! Grant Writer for Hire can help leverage your community investments by assessing the capacity of prospective partners. Explicitly incorporating organizational capacity measures into the grantmaking process refines the selection process and improves the likelihood that grantees will successfully execute the terms and conditions of the grant agreement. We can also facilitate the creation of capacity building strategies for grantees.